Sunday, June 22, 2008

Project 1B

Paulo Freire was a very influencial man in Brazil during an important part of world history. He was born right before the great depression which left many unsure of their lives and how to survive. It was very important that he influenced his native people to become literate due to voting rules. They must be literate in order to vote in their country. Can you imagine not being able to vote and have that right taken from you because you can't read the ballot? It is extremely important for everyone do have that freedom in life.

He did something great for Brazil by becoming a well known teacher and literacy activist. The teacher-student relationship was extremely important and he felt that informing others of that special relationship would help literacy in his country and around the world. He had the opportunity to learn and teach in other countries (United States and Europe). He could have gone on to become a lawyer but found he could be such help to everyone by teaching with his second wife. Teaching is the most important job to anyone, doesn't matter what age you are.

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