Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I must say I was happy to read that I would be able to write about my two favorite beaches in California that I have actually visited. This makes it alot easier when you have visited areas in California when you have to write about them, to give the full effect of explaining it to others. Pacific Beach in San Diego and Marina Del Rey in Los Angeles are my two favorite beaches in Southern California.

What are some assumptions/stereotypes you think people have of each location:

Well when I think about both beaches they have some similarities and differences. I think if someone had the choice to visit either Pacific Beach or Marina Del Rey, you could easily think of ways to describe both beach areas. Both of these beaches are very touristy areas; full of shoppers, beachcombers, resorts and spas, etc. Even though they are similar in their touristy themes, I must say that Marina Del Rey can be taken for a ritzy area where some of actors or executives might live. Both beach areas are quite diverse in the people that populate them, since Pacific Beach does have a more laid back feel. Pacific Beach is a larger area and gets various types of visitors and tourists than Marina Del Rey. You would be able to find a wider selection of housing and hotels in Pacific Beach that range in price. Most of the housing and hotels in Marina Del Rey will be higher in price and there is a smaller quantity of them to offer.

List 3 things that make each location similar:

The similarities between Pacific Beach and Marina Del Rey would be their locations. Both areas are in nice areas in Los Angeles and San Diego, which attract a more desirable crowd. The views they both offer are breathtaking and make these beaches quite popular with locals and tourists. The beaches themselves are very nice and are highly desirable to visit and spend lots of time at.

List 3 things that make each location so different:

Well, Pacific Beach is a much larger area than Marina Del Rey. It's area is quite spread out, the population is larger so that means there is more to offer locals, tourists and house hunters. Due to Marina Del Rey's proximity to Los Angeles, it gets higher end clientle with the hotels, restaurants, yachts, high rise condominiums it has to offer.

What else would you like to know about these places?

I would be curious to do more in depth research on the differences in population, cultures, housing prices and what jobs are offered in these areas. It would be nice to compare both to really get an idea of them.

Using your classmates work from last week, tell us one thing you learned from 1 student.
I learned from Lizabeth's posting about Chicano Park in San Diego is that I totally forgot about that place until I read her blog. I vaguely remember driving by it when I was a kid and always looked at it in wonder. It would nice to see it as an adult to see what it is like now.
I picked the Chicano Park because I drove by it once while my family and I made a quick trip driving to San Diego and then to Mexico. We weren't able to stop by, but I was able to see some of the murals but not in detail. After that day, I've always had a great curiosity for the park.

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