Friday, July 18, 2008

5c - Reflection

1. Who is your classmate, what is the component category, what is the name of the choice?
My classmate Denya Beaudry, My California authors - Arax, Liu, Parker, and Mackey.

2. What is something this classmate said about the choice that relates to any of the assignments in projects 2-3?
The reading made me think of how we are all so obsessed with such material things. We are always needing to have the biggest and best of everything and never settle. It's amazing how a city can be so spoiled as to have its own refuse trucked out of the city. They have no cemeteries, hospitals, or slums. They think so highly of themselves that they are too good to show any signs of a normal city. Instead, they parade around in their SUV limos wearing clothes probably more expensive then my rent. It somewhat reminded me of the movie Wall-E and how we are all so reliant on technology and "things" instead of enjoying the beauty and simplicity of life.

3. What is something different this classmate said about their choice that you did not realize before when you completed projects 2-3?
I did not know about the tradition of the lanterns on the river. It sounds like it would be an amazing site to see. It reminds me of the luminaries that they display during the Relay for Life.

4. How would you relate this to Freire's ideas regarding dialogue? For example, you went in thinking one idea, your classmate had a different idea. What new idea emerged from this process?
I realized that your views and opinions help you form your general ideas about things and places. Due to my personal experiences and knowledge of Beverly Hills, I would have different opinions on that city compared to Denya. I would not say her ideas are wrong, but the more personal experiences you have could vary or change your overall opinion. You would be surprised that Beverly Hills has a diverse culture and all kinds of financial status. So, people tend to believe that this so-called glamorous city is filled with rich people and nice cars is only part of the overall population.

5. How has project 2-3 helped you with the readings of the textbook?
I have noticed that 2 people can read the same story and come out with totally different opinions and perceptions about the topic. All of this can vary from the individuals personal experiences and their own views about what they have read and how they interpret it.

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